Tuesday, April 24, 2012

pathik art and culture society

Aims and objective of pathik art and culture. 
 (1) To give medical aid donation and to help in other kinds to poor and other helpless persons.
 (2 ) To create brother hood cooperation mutual harmony love and affection the residents of Delhi and to help them in distance or taking up the matter with the authority concerned.
 (3) To contribute to to social ,cultural, medical, sports and educational betterment of the member of society.
(4) To construct public convenience in Urban and Rural area of the social  welfare purpose and to help in providing basic amenities by taking up the matter with higher authorities.
(5)  To  open and run centers and hold classes for adult eduction, technical, tailoring,sewing,embroidery,handicrafts etc.
(6)  To arrange and organize social,cultural,educational programs and functions from time to time including get together celebrations of festivals, independence day and national days and occasions.
(7)  To arrange established manage and supervise Old aged homes, Night shelters, community centers and Mahila Ashram, Nari Niketan (As per govt.)
(8)  To impart formal and non-formal education through Literacy Mission, Adult Education programs, Universalizing of elementary education, Stress on Women Education at all level and Vocationalization of School Education.
(9)  To arrange legal awareness camps, Blood Donation Camps, Eye Cheek Ups Camps and AIDS awareness camps.
(10)  To established and manage all types of Educational institutions.( as per govt.)
(11)  To promote and propagate the ideas of the society by publications conferences, seminars,literature's,music-concerts, sculptures,painting exhibitions,dance,drama,folk songs,folk dance, film shows, fitness culture aid to real understanding.
(12)  To established and run libraries and reading room.(As per govt)
(13)  To provide health care facilities, medical relief and to open and manage Charitable Dispensaries, Clinics etc.
(14)  To make efforts for providing the facilities of games and sports by established, arrange and manage Yoga centers,Vyayam Shalas and playgrounds.
(15)  To help and arrange relief camps during food, fire, famine,cyclone,earthquake, eidemic, storms, accidents, etc.
(16)  To publish books, charts, research papers, magazines and bulletins to the attainment of the aims and objectives, etc.
(17)  To make representation to various authorities of Governments, Semi-Government on behalf of the members of the society.
(18)  To assists its members for getting essential civic amenities.
(19)  To collaborate with any other society having similar objects.
(20)  To organize programmes for mutual physical and social development for welfare of the residents.
(21)  To apply for raise funds, subscriptions, grants and loans in consistence with the subjects and activities of the society, subjects and activities of the society, subject of the law of the Delhi.
(22)  To perform all such acts as may be necessary for the achievement and accomplishment of the above mentioned aims and objects and allied social activities and services.
(23)  To do such actions which are necessary for fulfilling the aims objects of the society.
(24)  To establish, maintain look after and  supervise Toilet,Latrine,Sulabh-Sochalayas. (as per govt.)
(25) To promote and music concerts, sculpture, painting exhibitions, dance, drama, folk songs, folk dance, film and theater shows,fitness cultures aid to real understanding etc. 

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